When it comes to software development there are rarely two projects alike. Projects may differ on methodology in that they may be Agile or Traditional or somewhere in between and also the site or service themselves differ, for example an eCommerce site may be for one language or it may require content management for many languages.
To leverage the best possible technologies and approach it is important to gather accurate requirements from the very beginning of the project and maintain frequent communication throughout.
At Trees Snake we have experience using several different methodologies for managing our clients projects and have found the following two to be the most popular.
The Agile software development approach is extremely popular these days particularly in web development. The development values for Agile are as follows: Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools, Working Software over comprehensive documentation, Customer Collaboration over contract negotiation and Responding to Change over following a plan. Through this method we can deliver working and useful components of the full product over time so that the client can start to use individual components of their product before the full product is completed.
The traditional software development lifecycle (also known as the waterfall lifecycle) is an iterative process usually broken down into several stages (typically: planning, analysis, design, implementation, test and deployment). Should a part of the project fail at any point in the process then that part goes back to the beginning and the cycle repeated until that particular part passes to the final stage. The traditional lifecycle is generally used on systems where there are high impact consequences for failure (such as financial systems). This model takes a longer time to produce working and useful software due to the iterative cycle each part must go through, however generally produces very robust software.
We have worked on many different kinds of projects in many different knowledge domains. Whether you know exactly how you want something to work or you have an idea but need help bringing it to life we can help you achieve your goals. Here are some of the types of projects we work on.
Utilizing the extremely powerful Umbraco CMS we can create beautiful, stable and customizable websites. With a website built on Umbraco our clients can continuously add new content, products, blog posts or whatever type of content they want, Umbraco also allows for customers to create accounts and administrator users to be added (for example, employees on an eCommerce site).
The single page type of website is on the rise,. Harnessing new technologies, it is possible to create an entire website which exists within a single page. What does that mean? It means that the client connecting to the website generally only needs to load the website once which results in fewer loads and a faster website.
Single page websites can be simple, like this one, or carry out many complex functions (such as an eCommerce site or a document management web application).
This type of website needs little introduction - internet shops are taking ever more of the share of retail sales from the traditional high street shop. With the web shop being so common now it is hugely important that your website stand out, be easy to find by search and be easy to use on a variety of devices (for example, desktop computers, tablets and mobiles). Looking to the future being able to shop by voice will become more common.
Do you need an online document management system which can be used in concert with mobile devices to deliver constantly up to date content?
Is your website not talking to your sales system? Or do you need to generate KPIs from your reporting database?
A Bespoke software project can be just about anything. We have worked with many different technologies and in many different areas of industry including Water and Energy, Public Sector and Education and eCommerce.